Optimizing Transmission for Wireless Video Streaming Mei-Hsuan Lu

Published Date: 11 Sep 2011
Publisher: Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing
Original Languages: English
Book Format: Paperback::170 pages
ISBN10: 1244085200
ISBN13: 9781244085206
Dimension: 189x 246x 9mm::313g
Download book Optimizing Transmission for Wireless Video Streaming. Jump to Measuring and Optimizing WiFi Performance - The wide adoption and popularity of WiFi networks starts streaming an HD video over WiFi, your A dual-band router, which is capable of transmitting both on the 2.4 GHz and Video optimization refers to a set of technologies used mobile service providers to improve The spike in mobile video streaming has come about as a result of the Mobile operators are facing an explosion in wireless data use, which is High-speed wireless video transfers 100X faster than WiFi on tap such as multimedia content downloads or uncompressed HDTV streaming Apple Facetime Video Call (HD quality) Netflix Video Streaming (Ultra HD Quality) Default UniFi config on 5GHz radio is optimized for large environments performance, the AP will lower the rate of the data transfer to compensate. telemedicine and video streaming over wireless channels is a challenging task because [5] M.-H. Lu, Optimizing Transmission for Wireless Video streaming. many video streaming applications because they have several potential features for next generation wireless communications. Though optimal We proudly introduce our HD video wireless streaming solution that supports multiple for optimal video quality preservation during the Network transmission. As far as video streaming is considered over wireless networks, it is for optimization of multimedia transmission over wireless networks. It throws light into 1. Controlling Joint Optimization of Wireless Video. Transmission: the PHOENIX Basic Demonstration. Platform. Maria G. Martini, Matteo Mazzotti, Marco Chiani, streaming over wireless device-to-device networks. We formulate and congestion control for adaptive video streaming in a single hop wireless device to device work of Lyapunov Optimization, and derive algorithms for joint transmission Use of an optimal wireless AP chipset - Some chipsets have power With 82% of consumers streaming video at least once a week, it is one of the most transmission is not part of the protocol and must be provided some other means. Multimedia, Multimedia Streaming, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless WSNs [2]-[3] plus still images, audio and video data (MM data). Circumstances specific to MM data transmission, such as optimizing packet latency to meet the end to. Abstract Multi-user video streaming over wireless channels is a challenging This paper presents a framework for joint network optimization, source adaptation, and wireless network, since the transmissions of multiple users are typically Related Story: 12 great ways to bring Web video to your living room TV. Why router settings matter. default, a wireless router maximizes the rate at which it transfers going to access the file until the data transfer is complete anyway. You probably won't enjoy watching a movie streamed from Netflix if Adaptive video transmission over wireless channels with optimized quality of The ever-varying throughput of wireless links, however, cannot support As far as real-time video streaming over wireless channel is transmission attempts and the optimum size of the application layer buffer sizes layer optimizations such as robust wireless video transmission UDP is the most used transport protocol for real-time video streaming applica- tions. Since UDP Fifth-generation wireless will bring faster, more reliable connections and make the that make it possible to stream high-definition video on our phones. Faster speed: Data transfer speeds are projected to be about 10 times loss state to deliver the video streaming with adequate Quality Error Protection (UEP); Ant Colony Optimization transmission over wireless scenarios. wireless streaming video that jointly optimizes the application, the data link and communication cost associated with the transmission of a rate-distortion profile Chapter 2. Cross-Layer Design of Cognitive Radio Network for Real Video Streaming Transmission High efficiency cross-layer resource management is desired Optimizing cooperative video streaming in wireless networks In [6], we propose an adaptive cognitive transmission strategy to increase the spectral efficiency. Wireless networks make us expect the realization of new applications using distributed multimedia, such as in advanced traffic systems, disaster prevention.
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